The Fast Fix? Dieting and Diabetes

I started watching The Fast Fix on ITV. It was horrific and shocking. Eating 800 calories a day is not the solution. I do not deny that this can work in reversing diabetes but it would be close to torture considering that 600 calories is close to starvation. The average man should consume 2,500 calories and 2,000 calories for a woman. The first thing I realised when I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes was that I needed a lifestyle change. I was extremely stressed in 2015 which meant that Monster, Haribo and M&M were my best friends. I also was not sleeping well. I did my research and found that I had to change my body’s insulin resistance. I found that the best way to do it was through Intermittent Fasting. The concept was simple. You eat only in an eight hour period. The 16 hour fasting causes the body to burn fat to get energy. Eight hours of that was during sleep. Another few hours was after dinner. This meant that I had miss breakfast. I had a period of about five hours that I could think about food. I kept myself busy during that period. I started walking a minimum of 15,000 steps. I had to reduce this later because I was losing nearly two kilos a week. I did not go to the gym or do any other exercise. I reversed my diabetes in about four months. My sugar and cholesterol levels were extremely good. I lost about 24 kilos. I went from the buttons on my shirts popping out to having wear suspenders.

I have put on weight recently due to various reasons. This series has given me a fresh impetus to loose weight and show that it can be done in a manner where you can enjoy food and eat close to normal food instead of the goopy mess that is served in the show. Pasta Carbonara milkshake? No thank you!!! I prefer my normal spicy tasty food.

The other dietary changes I made during that time is that I ate blueberries. In natural form as well as yoghurt. Apart from the normal garlic in food; I used to take garlic supplements. I created my own blend of green tea. I used T2tea. I mixed Gorgeous Geisha with Ginger and Spi Chai. I would also add a bit of raw cinnamon bark. It was not easy but it worked. I will be giving weekly updates on my progress. Reversing diabetes is not about dieting. It is about a long term lifestyle change. I will be intermittently fasting for at least five days a week. I will try to get to 10,000 steps but I will definitely be going for three classes in the gym. I will also add swimming to the mix. Let me see how I progress.

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